Dhritimay Sarkar is a multidisciplinary artist, graphic designer, and visual communicator based in Kolkata, India. He received his Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Presidency University, Kolkata, where he developed an interest in exploring the intersection of posthumanism and art. Along with having a diverse portfolio of projects under his belt, he has had his work published and awarded by outlets such as MUBI, and Economic and Political Weekly, among others.
Areas of Interest:
Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Speculative Fiction, Graphic Design, Aesthetics, Art, Schizoanalysis.
Statement of Interest:
I view art and design as vessels through which the fluid boundaries of existence and identity can be traversed. Through art and design, I intend to produce dialogues between the canopy of posthumanism and visual culture and its semiotics, dismantling traditional notions of being via the dynamism infused.