
Posthumanism and India: A Critical Cartography Editors: Debashish Banerji, Md. Monirul Islam, Samrat Sengupta Available: Bloomsbury India Description The book is about what posthumanism means in the contemporary Indian context and what different lines of consideration this can take.The world today has universalized a Eurocentric history of the human with its privileges, oppressions, exploitations and exclusions. On the one hand, this […]
Nabarun Bhattacharya: Aesthetics and Politics in a World after Ethics The book aims to introduce the Bengali writer (1948-2014) to a global audience through some of his short stories and poems in English translation and a series of critical essays on his works. A political commitment to literature frames Nabarun Bhattacharya’s aesthetic project and the volume wishes to tease out the various perspectives on this complex meeting of politics and aesthetics.
Black Bodies and Transhuman Realities The collection explores the Black body (self) in the context of transhuman realities from a variety of literary and artistic perspectives. These points of view convey the cultural, political, social, and historical implications that frame the space of Black embodiment, functioning as sites of potentiality and pointing toward the possibility of a transcendental Black subjectivity.
Brave New Human – Reflections On The Invisible PDF | eBook/Print  Brave New World Conference challenged scientists, artists, writers and philosophers from all over the world to answer a question most people are not only wondering about but, after quite some months of uncertainties, even long for — How will our world look like after corona. Will the COVID-19 pandemic have a lasting effect on us, on […]
Philosophical Posthumanism About Philosophical Posthumanism The notion of ‘the human’ is in need of urgent redefinition. At a time of radical bio-technological developments, and in light of the political and environmental imperatives of our age, the term ‘posthuman’ provides an alternative. The philosophical landscape which has developed as a response to the crisis of the human, includes […]
Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures About this book This volume is a critical exploration of multiple posthuman possibilities in the 21st century and beyond. Due to the global engagement with advanced technology, we are witness to a species-wise blurring of boundaries at the edge of the human. On the one hand, we find ourselves in a digital age in which human […]
The Posthuman by Rosi Braidotti The Posthuman starts by exploring the extent to which a post-humanist move displaces the traditional humanistic unity of the subject. Rather than perceiving this situation as a loss of cognitive and moral self-mastery, Braidotti argues that the posthuman helps us make sense of our flexible and multiple identities.


Anima: A Transdisciplinary Art-Event Project available for purchase on Monsoon-Music Record label Bandcamp page: Project Description This work is based on a transdisciplinary collaboration/encounter/experiment between visual artist Jyoti Naoki Eri, philosopher-poet Debashish Banerji, musical composition by Jonathan Kay, and music performance by Jonathan and Andrew Kay. The project is comprised of 20 acrylic paintings on the theme of vessel […]
becoming-song: contemplative and transnomadic sono-fictioning becoming-song: contemplative and transnomadic sono-fictioning by Jonathan Kay, PhD Student at California Institute of Integral Studies Sono-poetic arts-based research involving: Solo music album: becoming-song: contemplative and transnomadic sono-fictioning Postscript a: Sono-Poetics of becoming-song Postscript b: Sonoculture: A musico-philosophical reflection This paper addresses my work as an experimental and transcultural musician and thinker and acts as […]
Writing on Memory Studies, A Discussion on Culture and the Literary: Matter, Metaphor, Memory Avishek Parui in conversation with Samrat Sengupta, May 10, 2022
Covid19, Death, Immortality and the Posthuman Prof.Debashish Banerji interviewed by Prof. Ferrando


New Theories and Reflections in Indian Literatures and Cultures by Debashish Banerji The topic for this conference is given as New Theories and Reflections in Indian Literatures and Cultures. In considering this, at the outset it is important to acknowledge the marginalized position of the Humanities in our times. And when I mention “our times” it is a variable window of time I am referring to, something […]
Posthumanism and Transcultural Engagements: A Symposium at Presidency University, July 2023 an event hosted on 24/7/23 by the English Department, Presidency University, Kolkata Contents: Humanism and Its Others by Debashish Banerji PhD, Haridas Chaudhuri Professor & East-West Psychology Chair & Doshi Professor of Asian Art Humanism, as an ideology, an ism, accompanies the European Renaissance and may be seen as its psychological core. As implicit eponymously, […]
The Inward Turn and the Radically Creative Posthuman: Bergson, Deleuze and Sri Aurobindo by Debashish Banerji A gradual dividing line separates philosophy of the Enlightenment era (17th-18th c) from modern Continental philosophy of the 20th and now 21st c. The characteristics of this shift, seemingly hazy, are a turn from the attempt to arrive at a parsimonious relational description of reality based on knowledge gathered by the senses, the imagination and […]
Anima: A Transdisciplinary Art-Event Project available for purchase on Monsoon-Music Record label Bandcamp page: Project Description This work is based on a transdisciplinary collaboration/encounter/experiment between visual artist Jyoti Naoki Eri, philosopher-poet Debashish Banerji, musical composition by Jonathan Kay, and music performance by Jonathan and Andrew Kay. The project is comprised of 20 acrylic paintings on the theme of vessel […]
Traditions of Yoga in Existential Posthuman Praxis: Response to Francesca Ferrando’s “Philosophical Posthumanism” Response to Francesca Ferrando’s “Philosophical Posthumanism” for the Karl Jaspers Society of North America, April 24, 2021
Banyan Tree, Matrimandir, Auroville Becoming-Earth, Becoming-World: Posthuman Identity in the Polis of Divine Anarchy by Debashish Banerji Talk given for the Sustainable Societies Conference II: Visions for a Viable Future in a Time of Covid and Climate Calamity organized by the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA on March 19, 2021.
The Abject Body and the Eternal Consciousness: the Human and the Non-Human Interface in Sri Aurobindo’s Karakahini by Subham Dutta There are two questions that this paper seeks to explore: firstly, how Karakahini systematically departs from the anthropocentric bias that has been intrinsic to Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and politics, and second how can re-think the relationship between human and the non-human vis-à-vis Sri Aurobindo’s conceptual paradigms.
Indian Supercrip Cyborg: Deconstructing Normativity through Feminist Posthumanism by Jaya Sarkar This paper demonstrates how Indian female para-athletes stand beyond the imaginary identifications and frames of mirrored wholeness and antagonism.
Fleshy Materialities: Anna Pratha and Multispecies Assemblage as a Form of Resistance by Sriram Natarajan This paper explores human-bovine relationalities and biopolitics through a decolonial more-than-human reading of the current stray cattle crisis, which many North Indian states have been facing over the last few years
The Posthumanist Cow: Decolonizing the ideological and the radical by Susan Haris The paper suggests two case-studies as starting points of an interrogation of the human in relation to the animal through a posthumanist lens.