Project available for purchase on Monsoon-Music Record label Bandcamp page:
Project Description
This work is based on a transdisciplinary collaboration/encounter/experiment between visual artist Jyoti Naoki Eri, philosopher-poet Debashish Banerji, musical composition by Jonathan Kay, and music performance by Jonathan and Andrew Kay.
The project is comprised of 20 acrylic paintings on the theme of vessel and lotus. The poetry was composed inspired by the series of paintings and published as a book in 2020. In 2021, a graphic musical score composed based on an encounter poetry-art assemblage, and the music was improvised based on this score.
Debashish Banerji – poetry
Jyoti Naoki Eri – visual art
Andrew Kay – alto & soprano saxophones, percussion, himalayan singing bowls
Jonathan Kay – composition, soprano & tenor saxophones, esraj, audio editing & mixing, video editing
On Anima: “The “vessel” is a seeking for unity, containment. Yet it always has an outside. It has been shaped and can be misshaped or unshaped. It also replicates its shape through time and human civilizations. It is the body, container of infinity or the unlimited finite. It can break if unready to hold infinity and can only be readied by the Mother’s hands. Every human potter approximates it. Every vessel is a shard of an unfinished vessel. The vessel is a womb of infinity and a tomb of infinity. It is empty and full. It is visible and invisible. It is and it is not.” – Debashish Banerji
On Art-Event: An Art-Event draws attention to the ongoing processes of creation. The object that confronts one has arisen from processes of introspection, incubation, interactions, relations, negotiations and responses between faculties, skills, media, individuals and cultures. These heterogenous processes live in it and engage the viewer/listener in an encounter that makes them participants in its open-ended mutually transformative transindividuation.
Websites of Collaborators
Released on Monsoon-Music
Debashish Banerji –
Jyoti Naoki Eri –
Jonathan Kay –
Andrew Kay –
Anima Graphic-Diagrammatic Score