Traditions of Yoga in Existential Posthuman Praxis: Response to Francesca Ferrando’s “Philosophical Posthumanism”
Response to Francesca Ferrando's "Philosophical Posthumanism" for the Karl Jaspers Society of North America, April 24, 2021
Response to Francesca Ferrando's "Philosophical Posthumanism" for the Karl Jaspers Society of North America, April 24, 2021
Talk given for the Sustainable Societies Conference II: Visions for a Viable Future in a Time of Covid and Climate Calamity organized by the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA on March 19, 2021.
There are two questions that this paper seeks to explore: firstly, how Karakahini systematically departs from the anthropocentric bias that has been intrinsic to Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and politics, and second how can re-think the relationship between human and the non-human vis-à-vis Sri Aurobindo’s conceptual paradigms.
This paper demonstrates how Indian female para-athletes stand beyond the imaginary identifications and frames of mirrored wholeness and antagonism.